Tendering your goods and services

The OMHM makes all of its purchases in accordance with the OMHM Politique de gestion contractuelle.

Public calls for tenders can be consulted online at the SEAO site, which publishes calls for tenders issued by government departments and agencies as well as certain municipalities.

Ineligible companies

Companies that are not eligible for the granting of a new contract from OMHM are companies:

  1. for which OMHM terminated a previous contract on the basis of a default to meet conditions;
  2. that omitted to respond to a bid or a contract with OMHM;
  3. that were the object of an unsatisfactory performance evaluation from OMHM.

To consult the list of companies that are not eligible for granting of contracts from OMHM, click here.


New provisions of Bill 108

The Act to facilitate oversight of public bodies' contracts and to establish the Autorité des marchés publics, L.Q. 2017, c. 27a introduced new articles in the Cities and Towns Act.

This bill introduces changes in market solicitation. To this end, the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal has established a procedure enabling it to equitably receive and treat complaints arising from the adjudication or awarding of a contract.

To file a complaint following this procedure, please refer to the following document (In French).

Procédure Loi 108

Any complaint must be sent electronically to the designated contact at the following email address: processus.contrat.plaintes@omhm.qc.ca

Click on the following link to obtain the Complaint form sent to a public body of the Autorité des marchés publics du Québec.